The Best Bedtime Routine to Get Your Kids to Fall Asleep & Stay Asleep

The Best Bedtime Routine to Get Your Kids to Fall Asleep & Stay Asleep

Have a set bedtime

Have a set bedtime

Begin your routine about 30 minutes before your child should go to bed. By sticking to the same time every day your child will begin to naturally feel tired by their bedtime.

Avoid bright lights

Avoid bright lights

Dim lights are relaxing and prep your child's body for sleep. Swap out the overhead lights in your child’s bedroom for a dim night light or blue light.

End screen time

End screen time

Much like bright lights, screens keep our child’s body in “awake mode.” Prevent your child from using any electronic devices for at least two hours before bedtime.

Offer choices

Offer choices

Give your child choices throughout their routine so they feel like they have more control over the process.

Listen to & validate concerns

Listen to & validate concerns

If your child is upset or anxious at bedtime be sure to actively listen to their concerns rather than dismiss them. Kids need to be comforted before they can wind down to sleep.

See more tips about getting kids to fall asleep & stay asleep + what to do if your child refuses to go to sleep. 

See more tips about getting kids to fall asleep & stay asleep + what to do if your child refuses to go to sleep. 
